Wording is everything. When you're trying to create an online presence it can be hard to convey your true tone across, the best thing that you can do is choose your words carefully.
In my travels I have come across many business owners who believe that in order to get clients they have to openly say that they are the best and everyone else is beneath them - and they say just that. As a consumer it can be a little confronting while you're scrolling your news feed and see a business in your face basically saying 'BUY FROM US, WE ARE FABULOUS AND EVERYONE ELSE SUCKS'. Being so out there is the easiest way to LOSE clients.
Many businesses feel that every other business in their field is their competitor. So instead of using opportunities to team up, share and create more income and image for themselves they are tearing their competitors down and destroying their own businesses in the process. The thing is, you don't even have to name and shame in your postings.
VV is always on the look out for other businesses to work with and team up with so we have a keen eye on what's out there and part of our selection criteria is the language and presence they have on social media. It is irrelevant to us how many followers they have or whether we find their content interesting. What we are looking for is how the interact with their followers and the vibe they give off. Recently whilst having a good play on Facebook I came across a bookkeeping business and their status for the day was something along the lines of 'If you want the best bookkeepers then come to us'. Now, it seems like a perfectly normal statement to make, but the context changes depending on how it is read. It can be read as a good thing or as a bad thing. If it read as a bad thing - boom, no clients for you. It is as simple as that.
Why would it be read as a bad thing? Well believe it or not, business owners have lives outside of the business and use Facebook for personal things too; but often their brains don't fully switch off. So while trawling Facebook and trying to unwind for they day they come across the above statement. Now imagine that they've managed to secure themselves a fabulous bookkeeper and are really happy and then another business they probably have never heard of is in their news feed saying that unless they hire their practice then their books are probably wrong because the bookkeeper they have ins't the BEST. Bit insulting right? Not only that, the statement is PUSHY. If your target market is small business, most don't like PUSHY. They like to have their hands held and they want you to explain to them down to the letter why they should hire you - and that is absolutely fair enough. Why should they give you their hard earned money? Just because you SAY you're the best, doesn't make it so. Put your money where your mouth is and be helpful. Social media contains a sea of potential clients and although they might not be bashing your door down to hire you right now, they can be your advocates. As a side note, we are all in this together so why not team up? Why alienate yourself by coming across as obnoxious? Teaming up with others in your profession is a great way to make new friends and to potentially get more clients!
Once someone has that view of your business, for whatever reason it is not only hard to track but it is hard to rectify and word of mouth travels faster than any other kind of advertising.
It's all in the words people.
If social media and wording techniques aren't your strong point, hire a business that knows what they are doing and can take the pressure off you. I'd recommend having a chat to Matt of Wonderdog Writing Solutions and get your social media on the right footing.
Finally, remember you get what you give. If you give a dodgy attitude on social media, changes are you are going to attract clients you don't like. Don't be something you're not and try to be in your business what you hope to receive in your clients and attract the right people for you.