How you can run a business and have a family too!
Okay tradie friends, as a tradie wife myself I know what it’s like to be at home with the kids driving me totally bonkers while waiting for my other half to finish on-site and be able to come home.
I admit, more often that not I am royally annoyed when he does finally turn up. I know it’s not fair, because we both work super hard. I find that I am running my business and the day to day of our house, whilst making sure the older kids don’t kill each other and the younger ones stay out of trouble. I am so run off my feet most days that I inadvertently forget that he has been on-site all day.
Some days it just all feels too hard. Being a tradie is hard… supporting one is just as hard.
However, if you’re reading this then its probably because you’re the boss trying to juggle your family and your business and everything it requires. The tips that I am going to give you apply to most businesses and of course they are only tips so be sure to consider your own situations before you make any moves.
Now, to the point - IT IS POSSIBLE TO HAVE YOUR CAKE AND EAT IT TOO - it just requires some adjustments.
When I first started out in business, a very wise person told me not to make their mistake and to set clear boundaries between home and work. Now, that can be a challenge. Most people want everything pretty quickly and don’t want to wait. However, as I found out, setting that boundary is so important.
Here’s what setting that boundary looks like:
Finish most days at the same time every day.
Be realistic with what you can achieve in a day and work within those lines.
Be reliable to your family who is waiting for you. Make the late ones the exception and not the rule.
When you do get home, engage with the ones waiting for you. Put down the phone, don’t take work calls or emails. Save any game play for after the kids are in bed and you have spent some quality time with your significant other.
Take time away for yourself. Walk the dog, go outside for a quiet drink - no distractions, not thinking about work, play Gran Tourismo. ANYTHING that gives you a few moments to clear your head.
Go to sleep at the same time as consistently as you can.
In order to assist in giving you a work/life balance, you will need to have the confidence to rely on your staff and/or contractors. If you are still flying solo, consider teeing up with some contractors that you can have a good working relationship with to share some of the burden.
For those that employ staff, looking after your staff can take many forms, but some suggestions include:
Offering role flexibility
Relate to them on a personal level - be a leader and not a boss;
Be transparent and give them a voice.
For inspiration, have a look at this article regarding Richard Branson and Virgin Airlines. By looking after your staff, you are looking after your business, and more importantly, yourself.
A happy employee is a productive employee…
Don’t worry if you aren’t at the hiring stage yet. Network and connect with good contractors to support you - consider the expense an investment in your mental and physcial health.
Don’t try to do everything yourself. Just because you are the business owner, that does not mean that you have to do everything by yourself, all the time. If your business is big enough to hire people internally to fill compliance and administrative roles, budget for these. If not, there are plenty of contract options to assist you. At a bare minimum, you should aim to have:
An Accountant
Bookkeeping training from a registered BAS Agent
A Virtual Assistant
Start with your accountant and work up from there. Remember, BAS agents and Tax Agents often fulfill very different functions, and for those that want to have a go managing their books themselves, getting training in your chosen package from someone who understands the systems and your requirements, will go a long way to ending those kitchen table nights by dim light.
Investing in the right supports as early as you can, serves to put you firmly on the ground and running at a steady pace, reducing stress levels and giving you back some level of work / life balance.
We live in a digital era. If you are still writing manual receipts, its now a good time to stop and move as many fuctions of your business as you can to the cloud and start automating some processes.
In the bookeeping and accounting space, ask your advisor for an app stack profile. At a base level this will show you some options to streamline and reduce the manual data entry, whilst giving you more accurate and timely reporting options.
Giving great customer service will help to give you referrals, but some will drain you if you let them. Not every customer can be satisfied and nor should you be aiming to please every single person in every single way. Develop internal processes so that your approach is consistent and you have a formula to refer back to. It may seem like a small thing, but you’ll be surprised at how much of a difference it makes.
This one is so important, it is worth being re-worded and repeated. What’s the point in having a successful business, if you are not engaging with the ones that you are doing it for?
Set time aside for family and for your other half regularaly and consistently - in advance. Do not waiver from the set times. Consistency is key, so be sure to prioritise these moments with your family.
At the end of the day, with the right supports in place and consistency in your scheduling of time with your family, your partner and yourself - you can run a business and have a family too. The work will be there in the morning, so don’t give it more attention than you give your family and friends.
If you are struggling to juggle everything going on in your business, why not schedule your free discovery session? Book a time that is convenient for you online and let’s have a chat!